We're pretty nerdy here at STEM Spark, as our readers know, so it probably won't surprise you that I subscribe to the Crayola newsletter (I'm sure Jack would too if he was allowed an email account). And thus how I stumbled upon the upcycle craft of Paper Bag Turkeys!
You'll Need
Paper Bag
Junk Mail/Newspaper/Brown Paper/Material to Stuff the Paper Bag
Construction Paper
Glue, Stapler, or Tape
Googly Eyes or Sticker Eyes (optional)
Markers (optional)

1) Cut turkey's head and feathers out of construction paper and set aside (at least is where I started). Decorate head and feathers as desired.

2) Stuff the paper bag with newspaper (or other material).

3) Glue shut the paper bag. Or in our case, we stapled the bag shut.

4) Adhere the turkey's head and feathers; we used a mix of staples and glue here.

5) Place your masterpiece center of the table or wherever you'd like!

The paper bag turkey is a fun decoration for displaying at Thanksgiving (if you celebrate), and with Thanksgiving comes the Black Friday Book Bonanza Giveaway Hop! I'll be sharing some of my favorite STEM books for children (that would make great holiday gifts!), and then raffling off a $25 Amazon gift card. So please check the blog next Friday STEM Spakers! And as always, happy STEM-ing!