Happy Mother's Day STEM Sparkers! How are you doing? I'm low on energy this week, and Jack's interest in STEM/STEAM crafts is waning, so I'm like what's a quick STEM/STEAM activity we can do that would celebrate moms? The answer is this easy Duplo photo frame. It literally was a five minute effort for a big awww moment.
You'll Need
Scotch Tape
Stickers or Buttons or Glitter
1. Make a rectangle out of Duplos. Note: you can make the frame anyway you'd like; it does not have to be exactly like mine. Putting your own twist on it, aka creativity, is the Engineering and Art part of this STEAM craft activity.
2. Cut the photo to fit frame.
3. Put tape on photo. I make double sided tape with regular Scotch tape, but if you have double sided tape might as well use that. 😊
4. Adhere photo to the Duplo frame.
5. Embellish with stickers, buttons, glitter, etc.
Turns out pretty cute, right? Pretty easy for the kids to make on their own, right? We can all go nap now, right? To all the moms out there, hope you enjoy your day! And for everybody, hope you enjoy your STEM-ing!